What the New Atheists Don’t See and Other Essays

Where Dalrymple accumulates a list of the symptoms of political and cultural decline. In late 2008, social critic Theodore Dalrymple published another round of essays called . Unfortunately, this anthology of essays is not his best… Too broad, lacking the element that made his other anthologies great–seamless, unrelenting focus. Dalrymple begins with six essays that sprawl across…
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Why Reformed Bloggers Wear Me Out

On Sunday atheist blogger Daniel Florien capitalized on the murder of a pastor to promote his perennial case against the non-existence of God. Hardly surprising coming from a person who’s built a following on flushing out the circus acts of Christianity…declaring them normative…and then condemning Christianity in its entirety. Neither is it surprising coming from one who has…
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Quick Study: Reformers on the Trinity

Where you learn what the Reformation added to the discussion about God’s Trinity. The basic doctrine of the Trinity–one nature and three persons–survived the middle ages and the break with the Roman Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th Century. In fact, the doctrine’s been the same since the controversy was settled in the early…
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Omnipresence: Does God Lounge Like a Man Lounges?

  Where a lounge chair is used as a prop to demonstrate God doesn’t have a body. Yeah, blasphemous, I know.  What does God’s omnipresence have to do with a man spread out on a lounge chair? Frankly…absolutely nothing. Yet, millions of people make the mistake–often innocently enough–of imagining God with a human body, throwing…
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A Thoroughly-Painless Guide to the Doctrine of God’s Trinity

  In which I compile all my previous post for a simple, growing, definitive guide of God’s Trinity…darling. Yes. . .yet another post on the Trinity. But this time I’m compiling all my previous posts for a simple, growing, definitive guide. Here’s why I’m doing this. The Reason Why You Must Study God’s Trinity Listen: The…
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3 Critical Characteristics of the Trinity You Must Know

Discover the three characteristics of the Trinity you must know if you want to live a vivid, meaningful Christian life. What do you think: Does the doctrine of the Trinity even matter to your every day life? I mean, is it just some theological abstraction men in university auditoriums bicker about? Or does it have…
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