Tag Archives: miracle

The Demoniac Proclamation of the Messiah


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Demon possession fascinates me. Perhaps that’s the reason I’m drawn to the story of the .

It’s not a healthy fascination. More likely it’s a weakness.

A bad sift in the broken human mind. Forever drawn to the smoking wreckage alongside the road.

Yet there’s something more potent in this story. That drives the heart of a Christian to it.

The Demon-Possessed Man

You have a man. In broken chains. Who lives among the tombs. Who roams about the mountains.

He shrieks, barks, growls. And gashes himself with stones. Strips saplings of bark. Sleeps under sycamores in pouring rain.

Women toting water jars steer clear. Children heading for the sea taunt and run. And young men tease, fists clenched tightly around driftwood.

All fear him. But Christ.

The Confrontation with Christ

When Jesus and his disciples climbed onto the shore, the demon-possessed man rushes them. He falls to the ground and rivets his eyes on Jesus and asks:

“What business do we have with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore you by God, do not torment me!”

The man confesses he’s possessed by a legion of demons: “We are many.” Perhaps 4,000. Maybe even 6,000. A legion of Roman soldiers were known to be that large.

But maybe as low as 2,000, since that’s the number of pigs they eventually possess.

What can’t be missed, however, is the immeasurable power of the man–the demons.

Perhaps it rivals the cyclone Jesus just conquered. But in a supernatural sense.

The Real Fascination

Which brings us to the point of the narrative: Who is this that natural storms obey? That vast, supernatural armies cower beneath?

An unregenerate mind fixates on the demon. The suffering. The horror.

The regenerate mind, on the other hand, sees through to the real fascination: Jesus, the Son of God.

The one to whom all thrones, dominions, authorities and powers–whether natural or supernatural–bow down to.


And a Savior with teeth. One worthy of worship. Veneration. And adoration.

So, the question for you is…who do you obey: Your mind? The market? Or the Messiah?

**Part of The Messiah: Eleven Meditations from the Book of Mark series.** You can start reading a PDF version of  right now.

How the Conquered Storm Points to Christ

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Every so often I hear a story about someone drowning in the ocean. A child dragged to her death by the undertow.

That’s why my wife and I give ample, rigid warning to our own children when we visit the ocean:

“Hold our hands tight.”

Our last two visits to the ocean–the Atlantic and the Gulf–occurred just days after hurricanes bull rushed the coast. So winds remained fierce. Waves, relentless. We barely even set foot into the sea.

The Storm Descending on the Boat

Similar circumstances–gale-like winds, wall-like waves–were common on another sea. The Sea of Galilee.

Long ago Jesus and his disciples were on the western shore of this sea. Jesus wanted to escape the crush of the crowd. So he and his disciples climbed into a boat. They sailed to the eastern shore where there was no large city, thus fewer people.

But at some point during their trip a severe storm pushed its way across the sea. Jesus’ disciples–aware of what could happen if trapped in such a storm–feared they would drown.

Jesus, on the other hand, slept.

Eventually his disciples woke him up. They pointed to the storm and screamed, “We’re going to die!” And what happened next demonstrates Jesus’ unlimited power over the natural world.

The Storm Subdued by a Man

Storms don’t die quickly. Nor on cue from a human command. Yet, on that day, Jesus immediately muzzled the storm with the words, “Hush, be still.” And when the storm ceased, the disciples’ hearts sank. Not in sadness nor relief.

But terror.

Terror that something more powerful than a boat-crushing, human-drowning force was in the boat with them. And it was this terror that precipitated the question, “Who is this that the wind and the sea obey him?”

The Conquered Storm Points to Christ

This story of the sea being stilled occurred well before Peter’s confession that Jesus was Christ.

In Mark, it occurs after Jesus heals many people of illness, deformities and demon possession. Thus, this story of the sea being stilled rises in the Markian narrative above all supernatural events before it and culminates with the question, “Who is this?”

It’s like a primer for the : “Who do you say that I am?”

At that point in Mark 8:29…is there any question who Jesus is? Any resistance? Any doubt to his authority over sin and death? Jesus cast out demons. Restored mangled limbs. Cured lingering diseases. Lifted children from the dead. And subdued the sea.

The Storm Submitted–Will You?

Of course, doubters existed. Judas was more than likely in the boat. And doubters exist today.

Why did Judas doubt? Why do people doubt today? : “For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.”

This is what breaks my heart: In the face of mounting evidence to the authority of Christ, people who reject Jesus needlessly  against themselves.

In the end, Jesus offers two ways: Submit to his power. Or suffer under it. There is no middle ground.

**Part of The Messiah: Eleven Meditations from the Book of Mark series.** You can start reading a PDF version of  right now.