Category Archives: Sin

5 Things You Can Learn from Jesus’ Dysfunctional Family

Part of a weekly series on Matthew. This week: Matthew 1:1-17. From the top. A homeless man, schemer and incestuous sexual predator. Then a prostitute and a Gentile woman. An adulterer and murderer. Devout kings and apostate rulers. Slaves and masters. Poor and rich. Men and women. This, my friends, is . It would be…
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Why Every Christian Should Read Mortification of Sin: 6 Reasons

Last week I published a monster cheat sheet to John Owen’s Mortification of Sin in Believers. As promised here is a list of reasons why every Christian should read the original book. 1. Understand it is your duty to kill sin Ask most Christians and they don’t have a clue what you mean when you…
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Propitiation in Plain English

  Haunted. Convicted. Blessed. Condemned. These are words that often describe people’s response to Jesus’ death. But before we can even talk about that, we first need to establish what Jesus’ death accomplished. We need to talk about propitiation. What DID Jesus’ Death Accomplish? Propitiation. Big word. Probably means nothing to you. But this is…
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Young Men: 8 Ways to Resist Sexual Temptation

  Sexual temptation is one of the most potent challenges young men face. This was true in ancient Israel. It’s true in 21st America. Unique to our culture, however, is the time span between puberty and marriage. In ancient Israel, young men were often married at 16. The . Depending on when puberty starts in boys,…
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