16 Reasons Why Christians Must Submit to the Authority of the Bible

There are several reasons you should submit to Scripture. But none so great as this.

Maybe I’m just being belligerent. But more and more I’m growing to hate The Shack.

Naturally, I don’t hate it as much as .

And it’s not really The Shack that riles me up.

It’s the Christian love affair for the book–and not the Bible.

It may seem like a stretch but if the the Bible is living, authentic and reliable, ignoring its demands could be dangerous. [‘s probably getting sick of hearing this. , too?]

So, let me take this time to look at 16 reasons you can trust the reliability of Bible. Then ask yourself this question: Am I submitting to the entire authority of the Bible?

1. Manuscript Evidence

Over , Syriac, Latin, Coptic and Aramaic manuscripts in existence. The internal consistency of the New Testament documents is about 99.5% textually pure. And there is dating evidence that suggests the entire New Testament was completed within . No other book comes even close to this reliability and authenticity.

2. Bible Writers Were Scrupously Honest

The Bible writers were taught integrity and truthfulness and they went to their graves defending what they wrote. This was an .

3. Miracles Confirmed

Miracles are definitive confirmation of a prophet’s claim to be speaking for God. This was true for Moses, Jesus, Peter and Paul–Jesus being the only one who didn’t outright contribute to Scripture.

4. Fulfilled Prophecy

Unlike any other book, the Bible offers specific predictions that were written hundreds of years in advance of their literal fulfillment. These fulfilled predictions stand as a testament of the Bible’s unique, supernatural origin.

5. Unity of the Bible

Sixty-six books unfold one continuous drame of redemption. There is one message: Humankind’s problem is sin. The solution is salvation through Christ.

6. Archaeological Confirmation

Archaeology cannot directly prove the Bible’s inspiration. What it can do is confirm its reliability as an historical document. No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference. Scores of findings however have confirmed historical statements in the Bible.

7. Testimonies of Transforming Power

A subjective but supporting line of evidence for the supernatural origin of the Bible is the evidence of a changed life. It’s always been the   and gave Christianity its vitality.

8. Paul’s Life Changed

From murderous prosecutor of Christians to zealous evangelist of the Gentiles, Paul’s conversion is a monumental statement to the efficacy of the Gospel. But note, the sheer reading of Scripture–whom Paul claimed to be an expert in–didn’t convert him. It took an act of the Holy Spirit, who .

9. Early Church and Councils Confirmed

The early church and councils didn’t confer authority on the canonical books of the New Testament. They simply recognized the books as having the authority.

10. Consensus of the Centuries

Over two thousand years, historic Christian churches have consistently maintained and defended the divine origin of Scripture. This is very impressive and is not to be lightly set aside or despised.

11. Bible Writers Claimed Authority for the Scriptures

What did the Bible writers themselves claim? Moses said he received the law from the Lord. Prophets like  introduced their oracles by saying “Thus says the Lord” or “the word of the Lord Came to me, saying.”

12. Certain Characteristics of the Bible Strike Observant Readers

Unity, fulfilled prophecy and relevancy thousands of years later is another line of evidence for the inspiration and authority of Scripture. The Iliad, Shakespeare’s canon, Moby Dick–the world’s greatest literature, including the Koran–lack these qualities.

13. Experience of the Burning Heart

Think about the persuasion that the Bible has had in believer’s lives. In your life. It disturbs the complacent. Comforts the sorrowful. Humbles the proud. Reforms the sinful. Encourages the faint-hearted. Brings hope to the bereaved. Gives direction to those who have lost their way.

14. God Spoke Through Men

The inspiration of the Bible was not mechanical. God made full use of the personality, temperament, background and experience of the biblcial authors, in order to convey throgh each an appropriate and distinctive message. One message shows up despite dozens of styles.

15. Apostles Authority

Paul defended his apostolic commission. John asserted it. And the early church confirmed it. Bishop Ignatius of Antioch said, “I do not, as Peter and Paul, issue commandments unto you. They were apostles; I am but a condemned man.” An apostle–most wrote the New Testament–had the mark of divine authority on him.

16. Christ Endorsed the Authority of the Bible

Perhaps the strongest argument that the Bible is the Word of God is the testimony of Jesus. Jesus claimed of the Bible: divine authority, indestructibility, infallibility, ultimate supremacy, factual inerrancy, historical reliability and scientific accuracy. And if he is the Son of God, then the Bible is the Word of God.

What Do You Think?

In the end it comes to this: we submit to the authority of Scripture because we submit to the authority of Jesus. Harsh? I don’t think so.

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